Study Materials:
- Lesson Videos
- Lesson Documents
- Tests
- Worksheets
For ages: 8 and above
Talking About…the Weather
After purchasing, the course will be available on the website and mobile app. Red Fox Education mobile app is available free to download on Google Play and App Store.
Course Details
Possible benefits: generally: widen your range of vocabulary; improve your standard of English when talking about the topic, so that your conversation is clearer, more fluent, and more colourful; understanding and comprehension of written English (when reading) and spoken English (listening)
for students: improves written and spoken assessments, especially in the use of descriptive language; aids reading comprehension, etc. in relation to the topic.
Study time: this course involves approximately 15 – 20 hours of studyLessons Plan
Lesson 1
Sunshine and sunny weather -
Lesson 2
Clouds and cloudy weather -
Lesson 3
Rain and Wind -
Lesson 4
Storms and stormy weather -
Lesson 5
Winter weather
Lesson 1
Usual or normal weather conditions -
Lesson 2
At the moment of speaking -
Lesson 3
Describing weather in the past -
Lesson 4
Predicting the weather -
Lesson 5
Prepositions and positional words -
Lesson 6
Using adjectives
Lesson 1
A sunny day -
Lesson 2
A rainy day -
Lesson 3
Stormy weather -
Lesson 4
Changeable weather -
Lesson 5
Winter weather -
Lesson 6
Predicting the weather
Lesson 1
Outdoor activities -
Lesson 2
Indoor activities -
Lesson 3
Sample conversational sentences -
Assessment - Weather